
Preparing YOUTH for Jobs & Entrepreneurship!

Gain valuable market driven skills through trainings provided at the enterprise clubs” or trainings delivered through the YES! Digital platform.

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Success is a learnable skill, Learn it the right way.

YES! is trying to fill one of the major common challenges causing Youth Unemployment – lack of transferable skills, also called “life skills” or “soft skills”.

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Personality Development
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Interpersonal Skills
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Communication Skills
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Work Ethics
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Leadership Skills

Support & Mentorship

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Show your Commitment, Pick a Mentor’s brain & Push yourself in the right direction.

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The majority of startups do not survive past even 6 months due to lack of business know how. Such young entrepreneurs can benefit greatly from the YES! Mentorship provided by successful businesspersons.

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First time employees struggle to maintain their jobs & perform optimally in a new work environment. Such employees can benefit greatly from the YES! alumni mentorship on how to make the best of their employment.

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Unemployed youth or Under employed youth face a myriad of constraints & so struggle to succeed. Such youth can benefit greatly from YES! mentorship in person or virtually through mobile / web applications.

About YES! Program

Youth employment is the bedrock of long-term economic health, social cohesiveness and sustainability around the world. Yet youth unemployment is one of the most critical challenges facing the African continent today. Half the population of Africa is under the age of 25, and 40 million Africans between the ages of 15 and 24 are out of work. While 10-12 million young Africans enter the workforce each year, less than half this number of employment opportunities are available.

Against this backdrop, The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation (TCCAF) has partnered with Mercy Corps, Kuza Biashara, Harambee and Microsoft to design, launch and scale the Youth Empowered for Success (YES!) Program, a bold new initiative that will enable youth across Africa to access new economic opportunities including jobs, skills training, mentorship and financial services.

The vision is big, with the next three years dedicated to:

  • Catalyzing innovation – Developing an effective and evidenced-based model to economically empower youth at scale.
  • Transforming lives – Reaching 25,000 youth in six countries – Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Liberia, Tunisia and South Africa.
  • Furthering the youth empowerment movement – Building partnerships to reach at least 500,000 youth by 2020.

Our Partners

el Dr. Almenar médico-sexólogo: Personalmente, recomiendo tomar solo Levitra original (muchos de mis colegas médicos recetan suplementos Dietéticos, sin embargo, a juzgar por las revisiones, los efectos secundarios de ellos son algo más grandes que el original).
Antes de usar, lea cuidadosamente las contraindicaciones y las instrucciones, no busque los precios más bajos, debe tratar de encontrar un medicamento genuino del fabricante con certificados (en las revisiones, muchos hombres se quejan de falsificaciones, efectos secundarios, aunque no hubo contraindicaciones para la Recepción).
Prescribo el medicamento a pacientes que tienen problemas en la vida íntima con las mujeres, así como enfermedades del sistema reproductivo (en este caso, Levitra va como una adición al curso principal)

Direct and indirect objectsdirect and indirect objects a my survey right here transitive verb takes its name from the fact that its action goes across from the verb to a receiver of the action.