
How to use LinkedIn

Social networkingLinkedIn is an online business social networking site. It is a directory of professionals and companies. It is used for networking, job search, hiring employees and connecting with associates. It is a great source for career development. Through LinkedIn one can sell products, expand your territory and gain free publicity. Do you want to increase your reach and profits? Hire better and efficient employees? Here are some tips on how to use LinkedIn.

Filling in details

It is very important to fill in the right information. Talk about your advantageous points. Describe your work, products and services. Highlight your USP – unique selling proposition. Talk about your skills, experience, achievements, etc. Your profile will connect you to people, it represents your company. Do not give excess information, it may be boring. Give a short and brief description about your work. To provide more information about your company, link in your blogs and slide shares. Insert or use proper key words for better ranking of your company. Always insert relevant key words. Unlike on other informal social networking sites make sure you fill in details that are professional and formal.

Link with social networking sites and groups

Link your profile with the famous social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This helps in additional publicity of your company. Not only different companies, but common citizens will also recognize your company. Common friends can help promote your services. Use the like and vote option for feedback and evaluation. Share survey and poll results with your contacts. Join groups to connect with people in forums. Groups allow you to contact and connect with anyone directly on LinkedIn. If you lose a contact, search for them in groups.

Connecting with the right people

One can connect with many people, but it is important to check the quality of your connections. Juniors become seniors and they may even change companies. So look for your old employees, are they important to you or not? Connect with your competitors only if it is important. You can hide them, but you may still be visible in search results.

Ask and answer questions

Ask questions frequently for more answers. It can provide easy methods, solutions and feedback. Answering questions can get you business. This is to inform people that you exist and provide services. The more you ask and answer shows you as an active user. The more you connect with people and networks, the more you can make out of it.

Hiring the right employee

Check for talent on LinkedIn. Choose from a variety of people. This can help in finding the right person for your company. Scrutinize from the hundreds or thousands on LinkedIn. It is the easiest way to find qualified talent. Look for the best; you do not have to compromise.

Entrepreneurial Learning

LinkedIn is the most popular business social networking site or online business directory. Through it one can do a lot of things by just surfing the net. It can bring you fame, business, solutions, contacts and most importantly right employees. So do not delay this wonderful opportunity. List yourselves on LinkedIn and make the most of it.