
How to empower your employees

Employees matter the most to any Business. They are the ones who can make your Business grow. “Employees are your greatest asset”. Employee empowerment is the process of enabling an employee to think, behave, act and control his work. It increases organizational productivity and customer satisfaction. It leads to a more positive work environment, with increase in revenue.

Here are some ways of empowering employees and tips to improve employee performance.


Communicate effectively and regularly with your employees. Teach employees the life time value of a customer. Communicate work goals and department process. Provide as much as information you can regards the task. Ensure employees understand their role. Use a manual for guidance. Always communicate well in advance about the deadlines. Do not be a dictator. Stay committed to your work, principles and people. Trust the intentions of your employees. Good communication is the cornerstone of good management.

Effective Training program

Proper training is a must for empowering employees. Organize weekly training sessions with front line employees and managers to allow discussions. Concentrate on employees who are slow in learning. Review company’s goals, mission, vision and culture in training sessions. Differentiate between decision-carrier and decision-makers. Elect mentors to help your employees.

Provide Incentives

Find more ways of motivating employees. Encourage by giving perks. Reward them with incentives on meeting with deadlines. Small perks matter – best employee hamper, vouchers, appreciation note/letter, etc. Congratulate verbally. Reward the best employee of the week/ month. Mention employee’s achievement / success at board meetings. Recognize special events such as Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc. Give monthly or quarterly bonus basing on the company’s performance. Ask what types of rewards can motivate them. Acknowledge special skills and talents of your employees. Tie manager pay to employee satisfaction. Close office for special occasions. Educate on performance management. This will increase the overall employee performance.


Give them the required freedom. Let them define their ways of completing the job. Assign weekly leaders, to boost their confidence. Treat them as wealth of ideas and input. Create a favorable environment to grow their skills. Organize them into groups/teams with specific goals. Give them the decision-making power. Encourage them by giving brainstorming exercises. Organize talks for sharing employee experiences; this will help in cross learning. Support them when necessary. Do not micromanage your people.

Dealing with Disputes

Organize meetings to discuss internal problems. Ask them to share their grievances. Conduct employee performance assessment programs. Never ignore a problem. Always seek to identify and solve the problem, not to punish the guilt.

Entrepreneurial Learning

Empowering employees is a must to any company. Everybody needs empowerment. A little boost can bring you wonders. You should find ways of motivating employees. It helps you witness great results in various fields be it in terms of learning or financially. Perks lead to personal satisfaction, so never compromise on perks. Employees constitute the assets of a company. Always remember to treat your employees with due care and respect to witness increased employee performance.