Look for ideas in your areas of expertise

Expertise areasDo you wish that you had some kind of special talent or skill that you could make use of to make a lot of money, buy a first home, and get out of debts? May be you see people like Joey Chestnut the competitive eater who set a world record for eating 69 hot dogs with buns in 12 minutes. He has a special skill that he used to it’s fullest to become a very successful person. Every one cannot become as famous or as wealthy but each of us can be considered as expert at something.

Sometimes we have a feeling of something bigger inside ourselves that should come out, but we’re not very clear about what it is. If this is the feeling that you have, and this is how you feel, this article may be for you. Let’s explore further by answering a few questions. If you feel you know your area of expertise, these questions will help you clarify your purpose.

What do you enjoy talking about?

Does it happen that once you start talking about a specific topic, you can rattle on for hours? Is this what you enjoy in your area of expertise?

What are you good at?

Are you the first person that your friends call when you have a problem or need advice? It is sure that you have knowledge in the specific field. Don’t give advice unless it’s your area of expertise.

What did you study?

Did you graduate from college or trade school with a specialized degree in a specific area of expertise?

And do you have a specialized skill learnt from your job or business?

Do you have a specialized knowledge about a certain area of business where only the specific business insider would know about it?

What comes easy to you that is difficult for others?

Why do you do that it feels like you’ve barely done any work yet you have made a big impact on others? That’s a big indicator of your unique expertise that you should be sharing with others.

What do you care about?

Your values and things that you care about the most will determine how you’ll use your unique talents. Once you identify your talent, consider how much you care about the things most.

What drives you absolutely crazy?

What drives you crazy about the industry or area you care about and where you have a passion and fire about the subject? That’s where you can pull off the crowd and express yourself in a unique manner.

The other thing to think about is that your knowledge may be very useful to other people even if you are not the best in your chosen area. Sometimes experts of great standing can forget the basic and someone with a bit less knowledge might actually be a better teacher.

Entrepreneurial Learning

The other thing to think about is that your knowledge may be very useful to other people even if you are not the best in your chosen area. Sometimes experts of great standing can forget the basic and someone with a bit less knowledge might actually be a better teacher. Asking your customers/clients is the best way to find out where you lack in your area of expertise and how you can become better.

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