
Choosing a domain name for your business

Domain nameIt’s a dream come true for a few entrepreneurs who put thought and research into naming their new born business. No matter what type of venture you’re setting up, the key is to opt for a name that distinguishes you from other businesses. It’s a not appropriate to use the name that describes your products or services, as it may be very common and stops other traders from using the same or a similar name. Continue reading to gain an understanding of the importance of domain names and how to choose a domain name.

Domain names are very important, selecting a domain name that matches your brand name is just as important. The very name that you use to advertise your product is the name that you will want for your domain. However, domain names can be long or short, whatever suits your company. The thumb rule to follow while selecting your business name is to keep it simple, to optimize your business name for search engines & to register your domain. Your name will be your online identity and a copyright, the more simple it is, the more memorable it will be & strike a balance between memorable and unique names.

How to choose a domain name

While, search engines put the most popular results at the top, it’s easy & best to use a simple name to increase results. For this, one must buy a domain name to make it appear more professional. Before registering your business name, make sure it is not available elsewhere. Make the name fuss free trying to avoid using hyphens because when people recommend your site verbally, having hyphens in your domain name leads to more potential errors than when the name does not contain hyphens. Though using hyphens or not depends on your domain name and your situation.

One must follow certain rules that prohibit a few words in business
  • You may not use a name implying that you are an attorney, notary or conveyance unless you are one big expanded business
  • A business name may not include the words ‘Government’, ‘state’ or ‘United Nations’
  • The use of the word ‘bank’ is prohibited unless the person using either or both of those terms is registered as a deposit-taking institution or unless the business is incorporated under the Banks Act or some other law relating to a particular type of company
  • The word ‘Limited’ (Ltd) or ‘Incorporated’ (Inc.) may not be used as the last word of its name
  • Names identical or nearly resembling names already registered will make a blunder online
  • Names containing descriptive words conveying an impression of a company’s business that actually differentiate the company’s objectives
  • A name consisting of fewer than three letters of the alphabet
Entrepreneurial Learning

Domain name may just sound as a name to most of the people, but to any business it’s probably the most significant name. It’s a name that cannot be played with. Think twice before you zero in onto a name. It has to be relevant, unique, fancy and catchy. Always keep in mind the people of your country, what could attract them the most? But one has to also remember that domain names cater to the global audience. The same name is used all across the globe. So, do not be in a hurry to get a domain name, work on it with a lot of patience and research. If you are choosing a domain name for your business, keep all these tips in mind and choose wisely!

Image courtesy: FreeDigitalPhotos.net