
20 ways to develop good business management skills in 20 days or less

Do you have a strong desire to develop your business management skills and become a good manager? You might be an entrepreneur, but you definitely need a bit of managerial skills to successfully run a business.

Remember, if your desire to develop the necessary managerial skills is not strong enough, then you will not be motivated to do what it takes to achieve the feat in 20 days. And we give you 20 management tips to achieve the same.

  • Read books that will help you develop good business management skills. Entrepreneurs are generalists, they need to know a little of everything from accounting to production management to people management to network marketing, etc. For example, “The Practice of Management” by Peter F. Drucker and “The Mafia Manager: A Guide to the Corporate Machiavelli” – are two good books that will teach you a lot about managing a business and they are easy to understand.
  • Attend a business management training course or seminar. You can find a good business management training course or seminar by doing online search, or better still, you can find one in the national dailies.
  • Listen to audio tapes or CDs that will help you develop the required business management skills. Look for friends and associates with the same goal and orientation. Work with them to improve your managerial skills.
  • Sign up for a business management training course online. Unlike the one suggested above, this course will be taken online from the comfort of your home. It could be a one-on-one course or a webinar.
  • Start a small business. The best way to improve both your entrepreneurial and managerial skills is by starting your own business. When you start a small business, you will have the opportunity to make all the business mistakes possible, learn how to handle business challenges and gain the practical experience. Here, we would like to recommend, “The Magic of Starting a Small Business”. It is bound to help you a lot.
  • Volunteer to take up management role in non-profit organizations; you will learn a lot from the process.
  • Look for a business leader or any effective small business manager and seek mentorship from him or her. Propose to be his or her protege in return for working for free.
  • When a situation arises that involves leading people on an assignment, or managing a project; volunteer to do it. Leading people helps strengthen your people skills; which is a necessity for good business management.
  • Study the business management style of great corporate managers such as James Mwangi, Adan Mohhamed, Michael Joseph and Titus Naikuni, etc. Read their materials and study their autobiography if possible, you will learn a lot.
  • Join organizations that will help build your managerial skills and an example of such organization is SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise).
  • Join a network marketing business that trains distributors on people management and how to manage oneself.
  • Visit blogs, forums and websites that share managerial skill development tips and spend some time there.
  • Look for a paid management coaching service and sign up. This is all about getting a personal management coach to guide you. The Rich Dad Company and the E-Myth Worldwide are examples of paid management coaching services with worldwide reputation.
  • Join business or corporate networks and exchange ideas and techniques with like-minded people who comprise top tiers in great companies.
  • Attend business conferences, meetings, corporate or entrepreneurial summits. You may get inspiration by listening to the challenges faced by business executives and CEOs.
  • Read or listen to the speeches of great corporate managers such as Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett and Jack Welch. You can decode the source of inspiration of these great corporate leaders by simply listening to their speeches.
  • Develop the mindset required for managing people. Remember, managerial skill development begins with a change of mindset. Every top management position in a company comes with great responsibility and accountability. You must be prepared for such responsibility.
  • After reading books, attending seminars or trying out other management styles techniques, you must remember to work on yourself. Learning how to be a good manager without putting what you learned into active practice is simply a waste of time and energy.
  • Working on yourself entails changing your perception towards failure, working on your appearance and acquiring the necessary skills needed to become a good business manager. Managerial skills include skills such as communication skills, analytical skills, delegation, negotiation and people management.
  • You can start by studying the traits of successful corporate managers and work on yourself to develop such traits. The article “12 Essential Criteria to being a Good Corporate Leader” will also be helpful. Finally, anyone can become a great business manager. All one needs is a strong desire and unyielding resolve to achieve that desire. Let’s hope you make it to the top.
Entrepreneurial Learning

Managing business is not easy. One needs to develop business management strategies. To develop good management skills you can do the following – visit blogs and sites on the internet to gain knowledge and information, attend management crash courses personally to learn faster. Research about business management skills, talk to experienced people, visit their offices to gain better understanding. So start implementing all these to develop management skills.